Información de dominio y sitio web:


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Título del sitio - keygen – My WordPress Blog

Ir al sitio web - keygen – My WordPress Blog

Las palabras principales cuentan en

website - 12
his - 12
and - 10
our - 8
from - 7
marketing - 7
your - 7
development - 6
online - 6
view - 6

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Ubicación País - United States

Proveedor - NAMECHEAP-NET Ubicación GEO en el mapa

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Todos los registros:

☆ 3600 IN HINFO "RFC8482" ""

Brief facts about keygen:

A key generator is a computer program that generates a product licensing key, such as a serial number, necessary to activate for use of a software application. Keygens may be legitimately distributed by software manufacturers for licensing software in commercial environments where software has been licensed in bulk for an entire site or enterprise, or they may be developed and distributed illegitimately in circumstances of copyright infringement or software piracy. Illegitimate key generators are typically programmed and distributed by software crackers in the warez scene. These keygens often play music, which may include the genres dubstep, chiptunes, sampled loops or anything that the programmer desires. Chiptunes are often preferred due to their small size. Keygens can have artistic user interfaces or kept simple and display only a cracking group or cracker's logo.

BSA (The Software Alliance)

Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft - The Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft is a Canadian trade group affiliated with the Software Alliance. Its mission statement is to "reduce software piracy in Canada through education, public policy and enforcement." The CAAST was established in 1990.

Free Software Foundation - The Free Software Foundation is a 501 non-profit organization founded by Richard Stallman on October 4, 1985, to support the free software movement, with the organization's preference for software being distributed under copyleft terms, such as with its own GNU General Public License.

Software cracking


Copyright infringement of software

Cryptographic software


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